Clinical Nutrition

What is Clinical Nutrition?

Clinical Nutrition uses ‘food as medicine’. Our student practitioners take a holistic approach to understand your specific nutrition needs, support your health, reduce your risk of disease and maximise your wellbeing.

Clinical nutritionists integrate evidence-based best practice nutritional assessments and treatment plans to motivate and support clients.

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What can clinical nutrition treat?

Clients attending our clinics are supported with nutrition in a number of areas including but not limited to:

Gut health Food allergies Chronic disease
Pre-conception care, pregnancy, and breastfeeding Women’s health Men’s health
Sports nutrition Mental health Weight management

Our nutrition clinic also offers bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA), body composition analysis.

What can you expect at your appointment?

Appointment length: 60 - 90 minutes

In your first appointment, your student practitioners will listen to your health concerns and conduct a comprehensive, holistic nutritional assessment. We offer both in-person appointments and a limited number of telehealth appointments.

Your student practitioner will work with you to set achievable health goals and prepare a personalised treatment plan. Their recommendations may include:

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More information

After experiencing the benefits of natural health treatments, many people want to learn more. If you’re inspired, the Endeavour College of Natural Health offers short courses in nutrition and a nutritional and dietetic medicine degree.

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