Sitting is the new smoking

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Do you work more than 5 hours a day without moving? Sitting for prolonged time can create poor posture, headaches, back and neck stiffness and fatigue. Sitting is now considered a merging public health concern with increased risk of adverse health conditions.

Benefits of a ‘standing desk’

A standing desk might be right for you. Standing desks are becoming more popular as daily work hours increase.

A standing desk may be useful for people with conditions such as:

The benefits of a standing desk are:However, standing all day can also have adverse effects. A standing-only desk may cause:Benefits of a ‘sit-stand desk’

A sit-stand desk is the most beneficial way to decrease the negative health effects of sitting and gain the positive effects of standing. A sit-stand desk allows you to move throughout the day from a seated position to a standing position as needed. A sit-stand desk can create a more mobile work environment and healthier musculoskeletal system.

Low cost ways to curb the negative effects of sitting

Whatever your situation, there are a number of ways to fight the sitting epidemic and get fit during your workday.

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