How often should I get a massage?

Sunday, 1 July 2018

This would undoubtedly be the most common question I am asked. If I took advice from the ancient Greek philosophers who said that daily massage is the way to health, then I’d be exhausted and need one myself daily to cope!

Anyway, it’s quite a challenging question to answer and there are a few elements to consider.

To start with, the frequency of treatment varies from person to person and I could come up with as many variations as there are different body types in the world.

Firstly, we need to look at the reasons for seeking treatment and the goals you’d like to achieve. For one person it might be about coping with a stressful workload from running a company. The next person could be training to run a marathon and another person recovering from spinal surgery. Age and lifestyle factors also come into the equation. This in itself has an influence on the frequency of treatment.

The frequency of treatment in the above examples could vary greatly from weekly to fortnightly to monthly. Added to this is if the condition is acute or chronic.

Next we would investigate what treatments from other health professionals you might be receiving. It is highly recommended that all the professionals treating you be in communication and all working towards the same goal and not in opposition. It is important that you inform the varying therapists you might be seeing about all your treating professionals, from GP to Physio to Massage Therapist.

Treatment frequency is also influenced by the techniques utilized by the practitioner. For example a Dry Needling technique may be used less frequently than some myofascial release techniques. Visceral Manipulation techniques are performed less frequently as some deep tissue techniques. Your health practitioner is able to select the technique and guide this process to enable you to achieve your desired outcome.

What can you do to assist this process? Above all, pay attention to what your body requires. Look for those small signs that your body is in need of some assistance. This might be a headache becoming more frequent, or maybe your energy is lagging and you don’t have the motivation to exercise. Ultimately, it’s your health, your body and your responsibility to be an active participant in the care of your body and self.

The great thing about Endeavour Wellness Clinics is that it is much more affordable to get a regular treatment if that is what you need – and our students benefit from treating you over a period of time and seeing your improvement!

This article provides general information and is not intended to constitute advice. All care is taken to ensure information is accurate and relevant. Please see your Practitioner for health treatments and advice.

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